
Rabu, 17 November 2010

Meet the Vice President, Bos Mitsui Interested Participate Power Tender

Jakarta - President and CEO of Mitsui Corp., Masasmi Lijima meet Vice President (VP) Boediono. Lijima claimed interested to participate in the tender 2x1000 MW power plant in Central Java.

"Mitsui is expressed interest to participate in the tender power plants in Central Java," said a spokesman for the vice president, Yopie Hidayat told reporters at the Office of the Vice President, Jl Medan Merdeka Selatan, Thursday (11/18/2010).

In addition, Mitsui is also interested to participate in the project Priority Metropolitan Area (MPA). MPA is the urban area development projects.

"Mitsui also want to participate," he said. However Yopie said if talks do not lead to technical matters.

Furthermore, Yopie said if Matsui also offers technology that makes it easy to transport gas by sea. This technology called Compress Natural Gas (CNG).

"They offer this technology. CNG technology is to make it easier to transport gas through the sea by way of compressing first," explained Yopie.

Mitsui Corp. has been in Indonesia since 1901. Currently, Mitsui already has 26 companies in the homeland, with the number of employees as a whole 11 thousand people. Investment Mitsui Mitsui investment in Indonesia is the world's third largest, after Brazil and Russia.
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source : Detik finance

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